The Dogs of Hanhongor: BBT

Hanhongor is blessed with having a lot of very memorable and cute pooches. Over the next few months I hope to highlight some of the best, both past and present.

Our first guest is Bottle Brush Tail, or BBT, as we affectionately call him. His real name is Bombolei which is also a great doggy name, but in our eyes he’s still BBT.

Why is he called BBT you ask? Well check him out:

I think his tail must have gotten broken at some point in his life because he is unable to put it down. It is always sticking straight up. Perhaps this perpetual state of bravery has gone to his head because not only does nothing, including other pooches, seem to scare him, but he acts like the whole town is his home/urinal. At work at school? Look at your window to see BBT peeing on the monkey bars. Over at the bank for a little business? BBT is also there doing his business. Heading out to the outhouse? BBT is just leaving your yard after decorating the outside of the outhouse for you.

About the only place BBT is hardly ever seen is in his yard behind our house. When he is in the neighborhood, though, we know because Santiago is infatuated with him. Whenever she sees him, she barks, runs straight at him, and then circles him crying like a little girl puppy. BBT is a cool dog, though, and rarely takes notice of her. He just pees and moves on leaving us to console poor, broken hearted, Santiago. Love is cruel for pooches here in the Gobi.

Coming soon: Irreverent Pooch “The goat dog.”

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