How to Waterproof a Ger

After several strong rain storms proved that our ger was far from waterproof, we bought some plastic sheeting in the aimag, invited some wonderfully helpful friends over, and waterproofed our ger.

First Darhuu removed the canvas cover,

leaving a felt covered ger behind.

Brian then removed the top level of roof felt,

and both layers of felt walls.

I wish our ger always had this much light!

After the walls, the last layer of roof felt came off. Here is Enkhjargal, our little neighbor, checking out our enlarged sky light.

Since our roof was off, Darhuu and I took the opportunity to clean all the roof poles. We removed the poles one at a time, washed them, dried them, and then put them back. We took spring cleaning to a whole new level!

Finally, it was time to put our house back together. First on, was the newly washed ceiling cotton which had gotten stained from rain leaks.

Next, with the wonderful help of 6 school workers and neighbors, the first layer of roof felt went on,

then the two layers of wall felt,

the second layer of roof felt, and finally the plastic sheeting which will hopefully keep it from raining inside the next time a storm comes.

The last step was putting the ropes back around the canvas to keep the ger together. There was so much muscle put into that step that the poles in the middle of our ger still don’t touch the ground!

Thanks for the help everyone. Here’s to no more leaking!

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