The Dogs of Hanhongor: Simba

Simba lives next door to us. Perhaps the smartest pooch in town, he is also one of the few I have puppy pictures of because he was once Darkhuu’s nephew Uka’s dog.

Here is Brian way back in 2007 trying to steal him.

And Simba a few months later hanging out on top of his house.

Unfortunately for Uka, he could not keep the puppies he collected, because Darkhuu had a habit of giving them away when he wasn’t looking. Luckily Simba only moved next door, and today is the king of the dirt pile (as well as the neighborhood).

A fierce competitor for camel heads, he is also super smart. He has figured out how to push/pull open the doors to his yard when they are closed, and if they are locked, then he will wait until a softie (i.e. one of us) walks by to steer them to the door to unlock it for him. He is also one of the few pooches in town to have rightfully put Santi in her place :).

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