Tsagaan Sar 2013 “The Year of the Water Snake”

Happy New Year–Mongolian Lunar New Year–that is! May the year of the water snake bring you prosperity, happiness, and contentment.

We had another lovely Tsagaan Sar in Mongolia. There was a nice balance between visiting friends and being visited, as well as getting to sleep in late. We ate a few buuz this year that were lovingly made by a friend with potatoes and carrots, and we drank very little vodka much to my delight. The best part was seeing everyone in their finest. Here are a few pictures from the community greeting on the first day.

Lining up from oldest to youngest for the traditional greeting

Greeting line

Darkhuu resting with some friends

Mandaa-Vampire baby.

And here are a few from visiting with some of our younger friends.

Brian greeting Huslee

Huslee and her ever growing brother Todoo

Uuganaa, Todoo, and Muron

Brian "exchanging" snuff with Gegenee the toddler.

It was great to see a bunch of my former fifth graders (2002-2003) all grown up.

And to end this post, a reminder that even animals get into the act during Tsagaan Sar.

Race horses heading home after a long run.

Monster posing with his Tsagaan Sar bow tie.

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