This and That

1. Nap time is taken very seriously in our ger

2. I recently learned that one form of slang for anus in Mongolian is “tsagaan max” or “white meat”. Gives a whole new meaning to those “Pork, the other white meat” commercials we grew up with, doesn’t it?

3. Our town, courtesy of the large coal mine north of us, is getting a new well dug. It will be slightly closer to our house than the other main well in town which will be a nice change come this winter.

4. As with napping, moving is taken very seriously here, too.

5. When I was here 10 years ago it was very hard to find a ride to the aimag center for shopping because there was only one van in town and it didn’t go everyday. Now we have noted that it is still hard to find a ride because now that everyone has their own car and more cash they don’t bother driving around town anymore looking for paying passengers. You just can’t win out here.

6. We were offered a 4 day old baby two weeks ago for adoption. Obviously we don’t have a new baby in our house, but the crazy thing is that if we were Mongolian it would have been that easy. Now if only it worked that way in America….

7. And lastly, tis the season for goat family planning.

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