The Goat Babies a.k.a. Tiny Goat Invaders

There are two herds of goats in Hanhongor-”The Goat Ninja Assassins” and “the Goat Babies” as we have named them. The Goat Ninja Assassins are famous in our ger for two things-their stealthy movements and their sidekick-Irreverent Pooch. I will post about them another time.

Today though, I want to introduce you to the Goat Babies-7 tiny goats that usually live on the other side of town but last week decided to check out our yard for yummy bits. Since Santiago feels that it is her calling in life to chase goats, it was a good thing our door was shut at the time because the Goat Babies are too small for her to harass safely. In her stead, Brian went out and gently herded them out of our yard. They were not too keen on leaving our delicious weeds behind, but eventually moved on. Squirrels in your yard can be entertaining, but I have a special place in my heart for goat babies.

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