Children’s Day

Every June 1st, Mongolian kids get dolled up in fancy, and often hilarious outfits, attend parties, participate in games, and eat enough candy to rival Halloween. Hanhongor’s celebration was held on the town playground and was wonderful. Here are just a few of the attendees:

Yaisuu, the English teacher’s “full of attitude” baby

Nomiin, “the terrified of Santiago” girl from Tsagaan Sar. Later I saw here running around with a headful of curls but I like the colorful rag curler look better.

A pair of fat babies.

Mandaa, the worlds smallest golfer.

This little one spent the entire morning hanging from bars, often upside down so as to best display her undies.

This doll had a fake fur coat and wore makeup.

My friend Undrakhaa and her super sweet baby Uulsay.

And lastly 2nd grader, Gonchigdulam. This is definitely an award winning outfit.

In addition to looking cute, all the kids participated in games based on age. The babies had to grab balls, the 1-2 year olds had a running race

The 2-3 year olds had a bike race (I just love the ties. Tie=bike race winner!)

and the older kids did various running and athletic games.

Lastly, the kindergartners put on a concert. This is the area I feel where Mongolian kids really differ from Americans. Can you imagine a 2 or 3 year old in America confidently striding onto a stage and reciting a poem? How about an entire class of kids like that? That is what happens here.  A few tiny performers

A  group of lovely lady singers,

Some pink dancers,

and yellow duck dancers,

and one super tiny yet confident poet.

Happy Children’s Day to children large and small!

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