Graduation and Wisconsin

Due to a weather related delay leaving Mongolia we had got to spend a night in Korea in a lovely hotel near the airport.  The floors were heated, the babimbob was filled with fresh vegetables, hot water came out of the shower heads, and we slept in a real bed for the first time in over four months. It was true heaven.

We made it to Madison on a Tuesday night, and I defended my thesis the next day. Overall it was a very enjoyable experience, and I got to answer all sorts of questions about my research. It is hard to believe that that was the last time I would be at UW as a student, and now that I have gotten final approval from my adviser (January 10th) I am no longer in school.  As much as I enjoyed grad school, there is something even more enjoyable about being free from homework, aside from that which I assign to students!

Graduation was on December 18th and held at the Kohl Center, the basketball arena on campus.

I was very fortunate that my dad and his partner Libby, my mom and her partner Frank, and Brian were all able to attend the ceremony.

My wonderful cousins who graciously put us up while we were in Wisconsin, were incredibly kind and threw me a graduation party.  Some of the guests even dressed up for the occasion!

I got a yummy cake

and got to see my wonderful friend Anne

and our super friends David, La, and Chris.

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