Nigel Allowishish Munson White

Our sweet Nigel Pink Feather

Nigel, our most beloved cat and famed world traveler passed away at 6:10 in the morning on September 4th.  At the time of death he was surrounded by those who loved him the most and he went peacefully.  He was buried in the hills about 3 miles from town in a small valley with a lovely view of the Gurvan Saikhan mountain range.

For those of you who don’t know, I first met Nigel when I was a Peace Corps trainee in 2002 and he was a 6 week old stripy kitten.  He has lived in Hanhongor, Columbia Missouri, Ithaca New York, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, Madison Wisconsin, and one final time in Hanhongor.  During his life time he moved between Mongolia and America 3 times and took trips to California, New England, and Ohio.  While he suffered from life long illnesses he had a very determined spirit and more attitude than any cat deserved.

He is greatly missed by everyone, including Santiago who seems to be extra bored these days.  While we wish we had gotten to spend another 9 years with the little stink ray as the days get colder we are glad that he is no longer tortured by an evil body.  Good luck Nig in your next life-we hope you are eating all the crunchy cat food your little heart desires!

Nigel’s last napping place.

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