The Hanhongor Community Concert

Every year the town of Khankhongor puts on a concert for and by its citizens.  This is how it works.

Everyone who works for the government in some capacity is strongly “requested” to participate in the concerts in groups.  This includes anyone who works in the town government offices, at the school, and at the hospital.  Where you work dictates which group you are in, which means I am in the school group.

Next, each group is given a list of the different numbers they must perform at the concert, and the best team wins some fabulous prize (I am hoping it is a new dung collecting basket).  There are about 8 different numbers that each group is required to perform which range from a skit, a traditional Mongolian song, a dance, a poetry reading, and an orchestra number.

Nine years ago when I was a volunteer I somehow got roped into doing the dance number which was absolutely horrifying since 1. I can’t dance and 2. I was partnered with my boss, the school director.  Fortunately for everyone I was not asked to dance this year, and the school director is out of town for the weekend.

So what exciting thing do I get to do in this year’s concert?  I get to play the shantz in the school orchestra! Wow-you are thinking to yourself-I didn’t know Sadie could play the shantz.  Well, neither did I!  (You are also probably thinking to yourself-I actually don’t know what a shantz is.  Well, here is a picture of two.)

I have been practicing the shantz for all of a week now, and can play an itty bitty song. As much as I would love to say that I am a shantz savant, I can’t.  Let’s just hope the rest of the orchestra is better than me.

After concert update

There are a few things to report about the concert.

  1. For some reason only the school and kindergarten competed. I don’t know what happened to everyone else.
  2. The concert started an hour and a half late.
  3. We lost.
  4. But we had a lot of fun.

Here is a picture of me getting ready to play…

And me “playing”

Watching the morin khuur player who was keeping the beat

Hopefully after we return from America I can continue my lessons.  I had forgotten how much fun it can be to learn a new instrument.

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