Shrinky Dinks and math? Sure, then we can say its educational…

Shrinky Dinks are one of those things that are pretty silly when you think about them but are super cool in real life. I recently got two Shrinky Dink kits in the mail, one with fairies and one with monsters, and before break, the 5th grade and I got to shrinking.

1. First we had to color:

I really like this kid's giant pencil "pencil holder"

2. Then, since at all times I must keep up the charade of being a teacher, I had them measure their “dinks” before and after baking.

Odmaa taking her measuring very seriously

3. Next it was time to bake. As I was working with a stove just one grade above a Easy Bake, I had the kids come up two at a time to watch the magic. I have to say even I was impressed.

4. Finally it was time to create our fairy tree. I have a feeling that it will be in a place of honor in that classroom for years to come…..

The bedazzled fairy tree.


Cutie Pies

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